Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How to control accidents?

·        E-engineering control (guard machines, explosion hazards, etc.)
·        E-education control (educate people about possible hazards)
·        E-enforcements control
Role of government:-

·        Provide leadership in promoting safety
·        Enforcement of legal provisions
·        Offering advisory services
·        Providing lab facilities
·        Development of safety standards, rules, etc.
·        Conducting competitions for mass communication,
Role of management:-

·       Leadership in stimulating safety.
·       Preparation & circulation of safety policies and implementation
·       Assignment of responsibility
·       Provision of safe work place
·       Creation of employees interest
·       Provision for adequate budget, medical services, etc.
Including all sail plants there is an organization called SSO (sail safety organization). Safety policy 1985 with the objectives of promoting standards of safety and health (complying with factories Act 1948), maintaining safe working conditions, providing all employees with safety information & instructions, etc. was introduced in order to meet the target – ZERO ACCIDENT.

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