Monday, February 14, 2011


The integrated steel plant, spread over an area of 6.5 sq km, employs a workforce of about of 17 thousand people. The largest industrial complex in West Bengal, Durgapur Steel Plant has introduced the latest state-of the-art technology that would ensure production of better quality of steel at a lower production cost that would enable it to operate as a viable unit. The modernization programme, undertaken with an expenditure of around Rs. 5000 crores, is the biggest such programme for any single unit in the country. It has brought about a complete transformation of the organization. After the completion, of modernization, the plant is envisaged to attain higher levels of annual production: hot metal – 1.92 million tons, liquid steel – 1.876 million tons and saleable steel – 1.586 million tons.
SMS, BOF, Merchant Mill, Wheel and Axle Plants are covered by ISO9002 Quality assurance certificate. With the successful commissioning of the modernized units DSP is all set to produce 2.088 tons of hot metal, 1.802 MT of crude steel and 1.567 MT of saleable steel.

The salient features of DSP are given below:

(Size in mm)
A. BLOOMING MILL Blooms Slabs 190×160,210×160,250×250,356×18
B. BILLET MILL Billet Slabs 100×100,125×125,75×100,140×75,155×75,210×75
C. MERCHANT MILL Round and Thermo mechanically treated bars 12,14,16,18,etc.
D. SECTION MILL Joists Flats Channels Angle 116×100,200×100,150×75,225×100
40,55 thickness of 6-12 mm.
E. SKELP MILL Strip & Skelp 147,181,184,196,205
Wheel sets : For Diesel engines.
: For Railways coaches.

SEMI FINISHED STEEL (Blooms and Billets): 65,70,90,160 to 250 mm.

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