Monday, February 14, 2011


A dream child of Dr. B. C. Roy, Durgapur Steel Plant was set up in the late fifties with an initial capacities of one million tons of crude steel per annum. Its standards and norms were determined by the raw material characteristics available then. In the late sixties, the capacity of the plant was enhanced to 1.6 million tons of crude steel per annum and further enhanced to 1.876 million tons.

  • Coke ovens: 4 batteries of 78 ovens each.
  • Blast Furnace:
    1 Kasturba 1323 cu m. 1250 T/Day
    2 Kamala 1400 cu m. 1820 T/Day
    3 Sharada 1400 cu m. 1820 T/Day
    4 Durga 1800 cu m. 2340 T/Day

  • Steel Melting Shop: 3 × 110 tons BOF converters to produce 1.876 MT of liquid steel.

  • New Lime Calcination Plant: 2 × 300 T per day lime kilns to produce soft burnt lime.

  • Rolling Mills: Primary two strands 42” & 32”, Blooming Mill and a Billet Mill, Section Mill, Merchant Mill, Skelp Mill, Wheel & Axle Plant.

  • Service Units: Central Engineering Maintenance, Foundry, Oxygen Plant, and Power Plant, Electrical Repair Shop, Research and Control Laboratory, and Training Department.

  • Railways Tracks: 180 km.

  • Roadways: 32 km.

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