Wednesday, November 9, 2011



          The oxygen required in various steel making-processing units, e.g. basic oxygen furnaces of DSP is produced in this plant by liquefaction and rectification of air. Since the process deals here with temperatures below -1300C, the technology used is often called Cryogenic Technology. The main products obtained are 99.5% pure O2 and almost 100% N2.

Atmospheric air contains mainly the followings:

                       CONSTITUENTS                                 VOLUME
                   1.  Nitrogen gas                 :          78.08
                   2.  Oxygen gas                                   :              20.96
                          3.  Argon gas                        :                      0.93
                   5.  Carbon-dioxide                  :                        0.033
                   6.  Carbon-monoxide              :            0.1 ppm
                   7.  Hydrocarbons, mainly C2H2  :               1.5 ppm  etc.
                   7.  Water vapor (H2O)             :                0.0 – 4.0        and impurities like dust, oil traces etc.

 Air, after removal of impurities like dust, moisture, CO2, CO, hydrocarbon & oil traces etc., is liquefied by cryogenic refrigeration and liquefaction process and finally product gases like Oxygen, Nitrogen & Argon are separated by the process of distillation (according as their property of volatility). At 1 Kg/cm2 B.P. (boiling point) of Oxygen, Argon & Nitrogen are -1830 C, -1860 C & -1950 C. Thus, nitrogen is more volatile than argon and argon is more volatile than oxygen.

With increase in pressure, B.P. of a gas increases up to a certain temperature, after which B.P. remains unchanged in spite of increase in pressure. This particular temperature is known as Critical Temperature and the corresponding pressure is known as Critical Pressure (of that particular product gas).
                                                                                      AIR             OXY          NITRO
                        Critical Pressure, 0C               :              38                  51                     35
                        Critical Temperature, kg/cm2     :        -141             -119              -147


In general, refrigeration is the science and art of producing and maintaining temperature below that of the surrounding atmosphere. And in particular the subject of techniques, process and equipment, which deals with the temperature at and below  -1500 C are broadly termed as Cryogenic Engineering and others are ordinarily called refrigeration. The liquefaction of air for producing oxygen was first done in engineering application of Cryogenics and still in use in the industry.
The thermodynamically ideal liquefaction system is the Carnot cycle in which two processes are involved, namely
                       a) Reversible isothermal compression, and
                       b) Reversible expansion at isenthalpic condition
which are shown in T-S diagram in Fig.1.For any practical liquefaction system, an expansion valve is used to produce low temperature at isenthalpic condition. For a perfect gas Joule-Thomson co-efficient is zero and inversion curve exists for a real gas from where Joule-Thomson co-efficient may be +ve or –ve.

                Isothermal Compression

         2                                                      1


                         Isenthalpic Expansion


     f                  3                           4



                                   S                                                                                 P
                             Fig. 1                                                                           Fig. 2

          The second method of producing low temperature is adiabatic expansion of any gas through a work producing devices e.g. expansion engine, expansion turbine etc. For an ideal gas adiabatic & reversible expansion is true only in isentropic condition. Moreover it may be noted that for any gas , isentropic expansion through an engine or expander will always result a decrease in temperature whereas expansion through an expansion valve may or may not result with drop in temperature. The another important factor is that at a given pressure an isentropic expansion will always result a lower final temperature than an isenthalpic expansion for the same initial temperature.     


Low temperature gas liquefaction process involves two basic principles
                   a) on joule Thomson expansion which is usually called Linde process.
                   b) on expansion engine which is commonly called Claude process.
In Linde process the most key factor is that  the pressure and the temperature after compression and cooling should lie on or below the inversion curve , other wise the  temperature of the gas will increase with  decrease in temperature as in the case of helium or hydrogen gas.
But in Claude process , a combination of the joule Thomson expansion & expansion engine is used for refrigeration of the gases.

The followings are the different steps of cryogenic air separation process:
                   1.  Filtration
                   2. Compression
                   3. Pre-cooling & Purification
                   4. Distillation

1. Filtration:
Air with dust particles enters the augmented self Cleaning Filter (ASCF) system and is cleaned by passing through the panel-pack paper filter elements. The clean filtered air exits through the ventury into the compressor inlet. In this process only the solid dust particles are removed whereas the moisture, impurities like CO2, CO, C2H2  and oil traces are left over.

2.  Compression:
To liquefy air for distillation, its enthalpy is decreased by isothermal compression i.e. compression followed by after cooling at every stage.
For any fluid,
                   H = E + PV
                             H à Enthalpy
                             E à Internal energy, a function of temp. only
                             PV à A function of temperature (PV = RT)

For any ideal gas E & PV remain const. at const. temperature and are independent of pressure and this H is const. But, for real fluids, because of non-ideality, the enthalpy (H) is decreased with decrease of E & PV, which are affected due to variation of pressure at constant temperature. Here, the variation of internal energy (E) isothermally with pressure is much higher than the variation in PV.

The production of high-purity gaseous oxygen from air via the cryogenic process is illustrated in the flow sheet on the next page. The process is based on the principle of the Joule-Thomson effect, i.e. sudden decrease to pressure results in the lowering of temperature. Linde first applied it in produced O2 industrially. This method is distillation of liquid O2 & liquid N2, is still in use but with modifications, most important of which is Claude, which significantly decreased the power consumption (as the expansion in his method is isenthalpic instead of isothermal) and increased the efficiency.
Filtered air is compressed to about 5kg/cm2 pressure in a centrifugal compressor and after cooled. After separating out any liquid water, the air enters the reversing heat exchanger and is cooled to near its dew point in countercurrent exchange with the outgoing gas products. Carbon dioxide along with remaining moisture or other HCs’ is removed by the adsorption process in Driers where activated alumina and molecular sieves adsorbs the last traces of CO2. The cleaned air is then fed to the bottom tray of the double column rectifier, consisting of two columns one operating at low pressure (0.5 kg/cm2) and the other operating at medium pressure (5 kg/cm2). In the double column rectifier, nitrogen being more volatile is collected as vapor from top of the low pressure column, where liquid oxygen is collected from the bottom of the low pressure column. A stream of water waste nitrogen (containing around 4.5% O2) is vented out after proper heat transfer to the refrigerant unit.
Gaseous oxygen is produced in this plant as per DSP’s requirement and sometimes the excess liquid pure oxygen is sold to outside parties. In one unit, 9700 Nm3/hr of gaseous O2 and 650 Nm3/hr of liquid O2 is produced normally, the excess being storage vessels as liquid O2 at 40 kg/cm2 pressure and around -1840C, the capacity of which is 1000 tons of liquid O2. Proper insulating materials like glasswool are provided at various places while in storage vessels pearlite powder is used as insulating material. The plant is fully automated, however time-to-time analysis of various outlet streams is to be done to ensure production at desired rate.
Air is compressed from atmospheric pressure to plant operating pressure (7.1 kg/cm2) by centrifugal air turbo compressor. For tonnage air separation Plant centrifugal compressors are used as it can handle a very large amount of air at low and medium pressure.
Filtered air enters the compressor first stage intake chamber through inlet guide vane. The high-speed impeller blades increase the velocity of air and impart kinetic energy to air. Part of this kinetic energy results in a static pressure rise of gas (air, in this case) in the impeller and the remaining kinetic energy results in velocity head which causes additional pressure rise in the compressor diffuser. After air passes through impeller, it enters into the diffuser and reduces velocity by increasing the flow area rapidly. The KE imparted to the air by the impeller is converted to pressure rise by reduction of velocity in the diffuser.
K.E. α V2 (impeller tip speed),
due to increase in K.E. and increased pressure ratio of air, temperature of air also increases.
Air is compressed basically polytropically rather than isothermally. To enable to approach for isothermal compression, air leaving each stage of compression is cooled into the intercoolers up to the inlet temperature of gas and this reduces compressor’s power consumption also. After leaving the first stage diffuser, air enters the return bend channel and finally into next stage impeller through the intercooler. Thus air leaving the last stage compression enters into the piping system through after cooler.
Each ATC,
                   Air delivery = 61,000 NM3/Hr., at 7.1 kg/cm2 (abs) and 400 C.

3. Pre-cooling & Purification:
The impurities of air like moisture, oil traces, CO2, CO, hydrocarbons are eliminated through this process. It may be noted that constituents like moisture & CO2 forms deposit in the piping system at cryogenic temperature and can cause obstruction of passage for flow. C2H2 and oil traces are dangerous and can cause explosive reaction with liquid oxygen.

PRE-COOLING SYSTEM removes a major portion of moisture content. With increase in pressure the moisture carrying capacity of air decreases and in the pre-cooling system part of moisture content condenses after getting separated from gas by the process of cooling at a constant pressure.

                   The pre-cooling unit consists of:
                    i)  Air-water tower (E10)
                   ii)  Nitrogen-water tower (E11)
                   iii)  Cooling water circulating pump (P01/02)
                   iv)  Refrigeration Unit (X01/02)

i) Air-Water Tower (E10):
This is a single stage, counter flow, direct contact type heat exchanger with polypropylene packing. The compressed air (400 C) is cooled to 100 C by chilled water (30 M3/Hr, 8.1 kg/cm2, 50 C) in the Air-Water tower. A major part of moisture content is extracted along with the cooling water and finally air is passed to the Driers for further purification.
ii) Nitrogen-Water Tower (E11):
The cooling water at 330 C (30 M3/Hr., 3.5 kg/ cm2) is cooled to 150 C (1.15 kg/cm2) in Nitrogen-Water tower by utilizing available cold energy from waste nitrogen (21,500 NM3/Hr, 1.25 kg/cm2, 130 C). This is also a single stage, counter flow, direct contact type heat exchanger.

iii) Cooling water circulating pump (P01/02) & refrigeration Unit (X01/02):
The cold water leaving E11 at 150 C is pumped to E10 through refrigeration unit where it is further cooled to 50 C and after E10 it returns water (400 C, 2.5 kg/cm2) to cooling tower.

Air is further purified through physical adsorption process to eliminate CO2, CO, hydrocarbons and leftover moisture, oil traces etc. Physical adsorption involves the attraction and retention of layers of molecules of a gas on a solid surface into the adsorber vessels.
Air purification unit consists of:
                    i) Adsorber Vessels  (RO1/RO2)
                    ii) Regeneration Heater (E16)
                   iii) Post Filter (F11/F12)
                   iv) Silencer (FO5)
The adsorber vessels are double adsorbent bed type. The bottom bed containing activated alumina eliminates and adsorbs moisture & oil traces. The top bed containing MOLECULAR SIEVES adsorbs CO2, CO and hydrocarbons. While one vessel remains in operation, the other gets regenerated.
Air at 100 C enters R01/R02 through the bottom of the vessel and passes  through activated alumina and molecular sieve beds respectively and leaves at   150 C at the top of the vessel eliminating all impurities.
During adsorption, the operating vessel gets saturated gradually and then the vessel is changed over for regeneration and the other vessel is put into operation. In order to prevent possibility of dust particles coming from adsorbents with the leaving air, it is passed through post filter where dust particles up to 50 microns is removed, and bone dry, hydrocarbon free air is fed into the cold box.
The waste nitrogen coming from cold box is heated to required temperature by a regeneration heater and passes through drier in the reverse direction of process air. After gradual heating, the adsorbed moisture, oil traces, CO2, CO, hydrocarbons etc. are released from the surface of adsorbents and finally these are carried with WN2 and vented to the atmosphere. The total bed is reactivated again and cooled to process temperature by purging with simple waste nitrogen.

Cryogenic separation is achieved by iterative distillation.

Distillation is carried out by using the property of volatility where two fundamental principles are followed.
I)   If a liquid mixture is heated and partially evaporated then the remaining liquid will be richer in less volatile component  and the resulting vapour will be richer in more volatile component.
II) Conversely, if a vapour mixture is partially condensed then the remaining vapour will be richer in more volatile component and the resulting liquid will be richer in less volatile component.

In cryogenic separation process, distillation is carried out in perforated trays (or in packed columns) inside the column where a liquid trickles down from top to bottom and a vapour goes up from bottom to top. Both the fluid make their passage through trays (as in Oxygen Plant, DSP) and come in direct contact with each other in each tray. In air separation process, these liquid & vapour are basically a binary mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. The point to be remembered is that the liquid is at its vaporization point and the vapour is at its condensation point.

          Now, let us consider one single tray T                                                vapour                   lower temperature zone
where liquid trickles down through the runner
of  Tt and vapour comes out from Tb . Liquid               Tt


is held in the tray by the vapour pressure below             T

T and overflows the weirs and runs down the                 Tb                             Weir
runner of T to Tb. Vapour from Tb, on the other
hand, gets through the perforations of T and then                                           
                                                                                            higher temperature zone
bubbles through the liquid in T to reach the bottom of Tt. During this process, the vapour, being a little warmer than the liquid, gives away heat and condenses partially. And hence becomes richer in N2 and poorer in O2 (Principle II). Conversely, the liquid, gains heat & vaporises partially, hence becoming richer in O2 and poorer in N2 (Principle I). The result is

                   I)  Vapour of T is richer in N2 but poorer  in O2, than vapour of Tb.
                   II) Liquid of Tb is richer in O2 but poorer  in N2, than liquid of T.

This way, as the vapor moves up N2 concentration increases and as the liquid goes down O2 concentration increases.

The distillation unit consists of the following equipments:
(1)  Main Exchanger (E01):   (four blocks)







-133, -170
9,700 (11,000max)
Waste Nit.
(2) Expansion Turbine (D01 & D02):
                        Type                     :   Reaction inward flow
                   Mass flow            :   12,915 NM3/hrmax          
                   Inlet air                          :   6.65 kg/cm2(a) at –1330 C
                   Outlet air              :   1.5 kg/cm2(a)   at –1730 C
                   Speed                             :   16,521 r.p.m.
                   Power generation :   200 KW

(3) Medium Pressure column (K01):
                        No. of trays                   :   44 (Al)
                   Operating Pressure        :   6.53 kg/cm2
                   Operating Temp.  :   -1700 C

(4) Low Pressure column (K02):
                        No. of trays                   :   85 (Al)
                   Operating Pressure        :   1.68 kg/cm2
                   Operating Temp.  :   -1780 C

(5) Pure Nitrogen Column (K03):
                   No. of trays                   :   15 (Al)
                   Operating Pressure        :   1.44 kg/cm2
                   Operating Temp.  :   -1930 C

(6) Main Vaporizer, or Condenser cum Reboiler (E03):
(four blocks)





Kg/cm2 (a)
Oxygen (shell)
Nitrogen (tube)

(7) Liquid Oxygen Filters (R03/04):
                        Mobil Sorbid : 3-5 mm balls

(8) Rich Liquid Sub-cooler (E04): (one blocks)





Kg/cm2 (a)
Liq. Oxygen
Rich Liquid

(9) Sub-cooler (E05):





Kg/cm2 (a)




Pure N2




(10) Liquid Oxygen Pumps (P03/P04):
                   Mass Flow           :  1050 NM3/hr
                   Inlet Pressure                 :  2.80 kg/cm2 (a)
                   Outlet Pressure              :  3.16 kg/cm2 (a)
                   Speed                             : 1450 r.p.m.

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